Windows Installationsschlüssel über das Netzwerk auslesen
Mit folgendem Code kann der Installationsschlüssel von Windows (Server- und Clientbetriebssystemen) ausgelesen werden:
' Find Product Activation Key on Remote Machine ' Got this from a posting by 'Alatar1' at ' ' I just added the inputbox – Rob If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then strComputer = inputbox("Enter a computer name to query the Windows " _ & " product key from","Enter computer name") if strComputer = "" then wscript.quit Else strCOmputer = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) End If Dim Digits (24) Digits (0) = "B" : Digits (1) = "C": Digits (2) = "D": Digits (3) = "F": Digits (4) = "G": Digits (5) = "H": Digits (6) = "J": Digits (7) = "K": Digits (8) = "M": Digits (9) = "P": Digits (10) = "Q": Digits (11) = "R": Digits (12) = "T": Digits (13) = "V": Digits (14) = "W": Digits (15) = "X": Digits (16) = "Y": Digits (17) = "2": Digits (18) = "3": Digits (19) = "4": Digits (20) = "6" : Digits (21) = "7" : Digits (22) = "8": Digits (23) = "9" Dim HexBuf (100), HexDigitalPID (15) Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") objReg.GetBinaryValue &H80000002, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT" _ & "\CurrentVersion\", "DigitalProductId", HexBuf ' Extract Relevant Section of Digital Product ID StartOffset = 52 : EndOffset =67 For i = StartOffset to EndOffset HexDigitalPID (i-StartOffset) = HexBuf(i) next ' Convert Encoded Product ID to Activation Key dLen = 29 : sLen = 15 KEYSTRING ="" for i=dLen-1 to 0 step -1 if ((i + 1) mod 6) = 0 then KEYSTRING = KEYSTRING & "-" else HN = 0 For N = (sLen -1) to 0 step -1 Value = ( (HN *2^8 ) Or HexDigitalPID (N)) HexDigitalPID (N) = Value \ 24 HN = (Value mod 24) next KEYSTRING = KEYSTRING & Digits(HN) end if next KEYSTRING2 = StrReverse (KEYSTRING) WScript.Echo KEYSTRING2
Das ganze muss in ein *.vbs-File gespeichert und ausgeführt werden.