Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 upgrade environment diagnostics fails „cannot open database“

When trying to inplace-upgrade an Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 / 2011 installation, the environment diagnostics wizard fails to open the existing organization database.

Error message:

Cannot open database «[ORGANIZATION]_MSCRM_40_MSCRM» requested by the login.
The login failed.
Login failed for user «[DOMAIN\USER]»

Obviously, the wizard gets the database name wrong, as our database is named:


and not:


Warning: the following steps helped us completing the upgrade successfully, but please note that this is not an official solution. So yes, it is quick an dirty – use at your own risk!

As the wizard is looking for the wrong database, this helped us to get the upgrade running:

  1. back up the «[ORGANIZATION]_MSCRM_40» database
  2. create a new database with the ‹wrong› name «[ORGANIZATION]_MSCRM_40_MSCRM»
  3. restore the database from step 1 to the newly created database, do NOT overwrite or delete the original database
  4. run the upgrade again, it should work now
  5. cleanup: take the ‹wrong› database offline and test CRM 2013, if ok, finally delete the ‹wrong› database

The upgrade process then did upgrade the correct database in our environment, still you should take backups of the system before the steps above!

And of course, there may be other reasons for failing upgrades, so be sure to follow the official Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 implemententation guide.

Über Markus Frey

Markus Frey ist Gründungs- und Geschäftsleitungs-Mitglied der IN4OUT it solutions ag. Er ist Software-Architekt und System Consultant mit Fokus auf Internet-Technologien. Und in seiner Freizeit ziemlich oft in der Wildnis auf einem Mountain Bike anzutreffen.

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